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Vatican Apologizes for Catholic Missionaries in China, Calls on Communist “Bishops” to Rule the Chinese Church

David Martin | The Daily Knight

Pope Francis addressing May 21 Vatican conference that featured Communist Chinese bishop Joseph Shen Bin as the keynote speaker


He apologized to the Indigenous Canadians, he apologized to the Mayans, now he’s apologizing to the Chinese Communists. In another big overture to China on May 21, Pope Francis and his Vatican assured the Chinese government that the Catholic Church poses no threat to Beijing’s Communist sovereignty and apologized for Catholic missionaries of the past for their zealous work to convert the Chinese to the Catholic Faith, even referring to their pastoral work as “errors.”


The Vatican hosted “Bishop” Joseph Shen Bin, head of the Chinese Bishops Conference for an unprecedented, high-level commemoration of the 1924 Synod of Shanghai that affirmed the need for foreign missionaries in China to give way to local Church leaders, who at the time were legitimate and noble.


At the behest of Pope Benedict XV, Rome had commissioned the Chinese clergy to assume more autonomy in converting the Chinese to the Catholic Church—the very thing Francis is against. Rome is only feigning honor of the 1924 synod to empower its plan to force Catholic missionaries in China to give way to local communist church leaders, who are illegitimate and cruel.

Yes, Catholic missionaries are now being forced to give place to the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association (CPCA), a Communist organization comprised of state-made “bishops” that uses religion as a front to oppress the Chinese underground Church and to indoctrinate its members with Communist ideology.

The CPCA was condemned in 1958 by Pope Pius XII, who forbade any association with this group and who declared its appointments to be null and void. The Holy Father imposed ipso facto excommunication on any Catholic bishop who consecrated bishops for the CPCA, as well as on anyone receiving this illicit consecration. The CPCA remains in complete schism with Rome today despite Francis’ faux authorization.


“Bishop” Joseph Shen Bin of Shanghai is the president of the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association (CPCA), which places him entirely outside the Catholic Church. His presence alongside Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin at the Pontifical Urbaniana University was significant, since it marked the first time that an illegitimate state-made bishop from the Chinese mainland has been allowed to participate in a public Vatican event as keynote speaker. Joseph Shen Bin is merely a man of the state and no bishop.

Francis’ War Against Missionary Work


Even so, Francis embraced his presence at the Vatican’s May 21 “tribute” to the 1924 synod. Francis neither thinks with the Faith nor sympathizes with the humble and oppressed who need the Faith. From the beginning he has regarded Catholic missionaries as capitalist intruders and “colonialists” while upholding the clenched fist of Communists who seek to oppress Christianity.  Francis truly bears the guilt of treason, if it’s even treason.


After all, one can only be guilty of treason by betraying a cause or organization that he belongs to. Francis’ affiliation from the beginning has been Communist and Masonic, not Catholic.


While Francis has touted his September 2018 deal with China as a step forward in achieving greater “dialogue” with the Chinese Republic, it in fact has placed the Chinese underground Church under the jurisdiction of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), resulting in a spiked increase of arrests, imprisonments, the closing of churches, the demolishing of Catholic shrines, the forbiddance of religious statues and images — the tyrannizing of God’s people.





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